The Farm
Cincy Urban Farm (est 2017) is a multi-locational urban farm operating on less than an acre of land. We use front and backyards, rented from homeowners, to grow vegetables for local distribution. In exchange for the use of their land, our landowners receive a weekly basket of produce throughout the growing season. This mutually beneficial arrangement saves them the burden and cost of maintaining a lawn, while reducing their food costs and providing us with growing space. All of our produce is grown with natural methods, meaning that no chemical fertilizers, sprays, or pesticides are used.
Our mission is to produce the highest quality, freshest fruits and vegetables for our market and restaurant customers; providing them the enjoyment of eating well and eating healthier.
Cincy Urban Farm believes in promoting health through eating densely nutritious produce, paying fair wages while running a profitable business, and farming by hand to maximize yield while minimizing petroleum resource use.
We Believe:
That entire communities can be transformed from the inside out… from bust and blight to thriving and sustainable places to raise the next generation. People can thrive in almost any place if they have hope, a caring community, and some basic building blocks to grow from.
Humans have tremendous capacity to create value from minimal resources, a good teacher, and a reason to participate – a hope for a better future.
That a sustainable community is one that has local food & water security, freedom, abundant local opportunity, and has the capacity to produce a positive value from within. Then finally a sustainable community does not inhibit future generations from enjoying the same opportunities.
It is our responsibility to provide the next generation the opportunity to be healthy and free.
We have seen the power of love at work, and we cannot turn back.
"The future of agriculture will come from people, not technology - from a new generation of farmers who embrace small-scale, ecological, nourishing, farming techniques"
The Farmers

Farmer Andy (Founder of Cincy Urban Farm)
Farmer Andy is a first generation farmer. He is not your typical farmer as his farm, Cincy Urban Farm, is located in a high density urban setting and sits on less than an acre of land. His hands weren't used to grow fruits and vegetables until 2012 when he started converting his lawn into a productive garden space. Since then he has transformed over 75% of his lawn into an edible landscape which includes annual and perennial fruits and vegetables. His area of expertise is in quick growing, high value annual
vegetables for direct consumer market streams. Farmer Andy has a vision to provide higher food quality, a sustainable local economy, increased food security, more control of food production, creating more sustainable cities, community building and economic diversification.